Portability Guidelines
Families who are considering moving (transferring to a new unit), including any families moving into or out of the Union Parish Section 8 Housing jurisdiction, will be required to attend a mover's briefing prior to the Union Parish Section 8 Housing entering a new Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract on their behalf.
This briefing is intended to provide the following:
- A refresher on program requirements and the family's responsibilities. Emphasis will be on giving proper notice and meeting all lease requirements such as leaving the unit in good condition.
- Information about finding suitable housing and the advantages of moving to an area that does not have a high concentration of poor families.
- Payment standards, exception payment standard rent areas, and the utility allowance schedule.
- An explanation that the family's share of rent may not exceed 40% of the family's adjusted income.
- Portability requirements and opportunities.
- The need to have a reexamination conducted within 120 days prior to the move.
- An explanation and copies of the forms required to initiate and complete the move; and
- All forms and brochures are provided to applicants at the initial briefing.
Families are required to give proper written notice of their intent to terminate the lease. In accordance with HUD regulations, no notice requirement may exceed 60 days. During the initial term, families may not end the lease unless they and the owner mutually agree to end the lease. If the family moves from the unit before the initial term of the lease ends without the owner's and the Union Parish Section 8 Housing approval, it will be considered a serious lease violation and subject the family to termination from the program.
The family is required to give the Union Parish Section 8 Housing a copy of the notice to terminate the lease at the same time as it gives the notice to the landlord. A family's failure to provide a copy of the lease termination notice to the Union Parish Section 8 Housing will be considered a violation of Family Obligations and may cause the family to be terminated from the program.
Union Parish Section 8 requires the tenant to complete an Intent to Move application prior to a move. Tenants are required to give the landlord 30 days' notice before a move. The landlord must also sign this form. It must be returned to the Union Parish Section 8 Housing office within 10 days of acceptance.
Failure to follow the above procedures may subject the family to termination from the program.